Showing posts with label hire copyeditor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hire copyeditor. Show all posts

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Seriously, redundancy, and other serious matters that need serious attention

The holidays are almost here! But hey, I'm not taking a break being on the lookout for articles that make it on the Internet but desperately need some "juice" to make them sizzle. Truth is, there's no shortage of websites, news items, and written stuff that are passable but can be injected with creativity. Here's a good one meant for Black Friday student shoppers:

Editor's Critique:
As a proofreader, I'm not bothered by the college-style writing. As an editor, I find this article in utter need of creativity and depth. On a positive light, the writer seems to have put a good amount of effort in organizing a readable article meant for readers on the student level. Apart from the redundancy of the word “serious,” this text needed only moderate editing.


Saturday, October 13, 2012

All clogged up! Using spaces between punctuations

Because we live in "rushing" society (quoted from wildlittlefan), most of us forget to add space in between our punctuation marks. Not acceptable. If you find it annoying, get a load of this article I edited from Yahoo Voices.
marie puddu web editor

There are plenty of mistakes, but the outstanding one is definitely the lack of spacing between the sentences on the last part of the article.

Don't be stingy on the spaces. They actually add more readability to your work.
marie puddu copyeditor

Friday, October 12, 2012

Its versus It's and other sordid shenanigans

I took a quick catch-up on the aspect of keyword density again. One of the popular articles I read came from the authoritative site of Upon finishing the text, here are some glaring errors that were "spotted!" by me:

Early / primitive search technology was not very sophisticated due to hardward & software limitations. Those limitations forced early search engines like Infoseek to rely heavily on documents for relevancy scoring. Over the past 1.5 decades search engines have grown far more powerful due to Moore's law. That has allowed them to incorporate additional data into their relevancy scoring algorithms. Google's big advantage over earlier competitors was analyzing link data.

Dr. E. Garcia explained why keyword density was a bad measure of relevancy in The Keyword Density of Non Sense.

    Search engines may place significant weight on domain age, site authority, link anchor text and usage data.
    Each search engine has it's own weighting algorithms. These are different for every major search engine.
        Each search engine has it's own vocabulary system which helps them (it) understand related words.
        Some might place more weight on the above domain-wide & offsite factors, while others might put a bit more weight on on-page content.
        The page title is typically weighted more than most any other text on the page.
        The meta keywords tags, comments tags, and other somewhat hidden inputs may be given less weight than page copy. For instance, most large scale hypertext search engines put 0 (zero) weight on the meta keyword tag.
        Page copy which is bolded, linked, or in a heading tag is likely given greater weighting than normal text.
    Weights are relative.