Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Writer's Tips: Ezines


One of the best ways to drive traffic to your website is to learn how to write articles for ezines (newsletters), and best of all it's free.

An ezine is a magazine or newsletter delivered by email. Because there are no costs for printing or postage, ezines are a popular way for businesses and charities to stay in touch with customers and members. Ezines are also a great way for new writers to get published. Because ezine editors are always looking for content, and new writers are often looking for ways to get exposure, there is an obvious opportunity for the two to work together. 

What's so special about ezines?

From an ezine article writer's (you) point of view, the best thing about ezines is that the audience is highly targeted. People who subscribe to dog ezines are obviously interested in dogs. Therefore they will be interested in ezine articles about dogs. If your website sells dog-related products then you have a highly targeted audience to write to: The people who subscribe to dog ezines!


